Structural Damage AttorneyYour home’s foundation walls, interior slabs and other structural components can be severely affected by soil movement. Because of the highly expansive soils in Colorado and Texas, structural damage can be extreme if proper measures are not taken during construction. This can lead to damage and you might require a structural damage attorney.

You Might Need To Contact A Structural Damage Attorney

The builder’s selection of a foundation system and floor slab appropriate for the soil conditions is an important element in preventing structural damage. In addition, it is crucial for the builder to correctly install all structural elements, and ensure that the drainage is correct around the structure. If the drainage is not correct, it will allow water to penetrate the soils around the foundation, causing heaving and/or settlement that can result in structural damage.

As noted above, damage can occur from swelling (or expansive) soils, settling (or consolidating) soils, or a combination of these conditions. Observable signs of structural damage may include cracking drywall or other interior finishes, doors and windows that won’t open or close, heaving and/or cracked basement slabs, cracked foundation walls, and cracked exterior stucco, concrete and asphalt.

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